How time does fly by when you’re busy with all sorts of things. I finished my NANO project for now. I’ll let that story simmer on the back burner for now so I can get on to some things that have been ignored of late.
I started a VideoJug page but need to finish that and I’ve collected copious notes for other stories I want to work on this winter. But first and foremost I have to get my bookkeeping up to date and that is a week of steady work from the looks of things. So, I’ll just have to focus on it until it’s DONE!
It’s amazing how writers will procrastinate. I do it constantly. It’s quite likely that many loads of laundry and many dishes and many, many dustings in my house would not get done at all if I didn’t use those chores to keep from doing the things I know I should be doing. I certainly can’t be alone in this attitude.
I know my blog is suffering. Mostly it suffers because I just do not understand the monetization principles for adsense or amazon. I probably have enough of their information to understand it, but like many other things; they’re on the back burner too. I will eventually get to them.
I have managed to do a bit of work on WDC which I’m glad of. I’ve done over 100 reviews of items on that site now over six months so I’m happy with that progress. There are many writers there who have done hundreds more than myself, but then they’ve been on the site longer than I have. is a fun site for writers. You can write, enter contests, get items reviewed by your peers and stay up to date with WEEKLY newsletters. How can any one complain about that eh! Plus they have a chat box for people to meet and greet and discuss just about anything that’s on their minds. I usually go there to extend my procrastination inclinations. What a sorry person I’m turning into.
I have to note that I enjoyed NANOWRIMO. It gets your typing skills right up there and your mind in gear for the tasks at hand. They have all sorts of other things they do of course. One is to support younger writers and they make libraries in other countries and they help writers get and stay on track to some degree. So, no one can argue with that. They also have emails so writers can stay in touch with one another. I have to say while I made about six or seven posts in the forums, no one… yeah, not one single solitary person directed one single comment to me personally. So, while that might bother many people, I just kept on writing my story and then, laid back or did other things. I guess I’m too used to the friendly atmosphere of WDC where everyone makes sure everyone is included in things so no one feels left out.
I’ll attack the NANO challenge again next year but hopefully I’ll be more prepared. I did enjoy using Scrivener which is well known to Mac users but not at all to Windows users. So, it was great to use their beta version for my purposes. As a consequence of using Scrivener, I began to understand how to use some other programs I’d purchased in 2009 that while expensive I had little or no idea how to use. Using Scrivener helped me understand how to use them, so hopefully over the next six months I’ll be able to explore DramaticaPro and PowerWriter and several others. None of these will write your story for you, but they all help to get it clear in your mind. There’s also similar programs for script writers which seems to have taken off at rocket speed the last year or two.
Everyone I know is getting ready for Christmas and I’m not one iota ready for any of it except that I have accepted a dinner invitation. So, I don’t have to buy a turkey or cook anything.. WHOOPEE!!! No one has asked me what I want for Christmas, but I guess I want software. There’s still a few programs I’d like to have so I might get lucky that way.
Also with a bit of luck, I might get some Christmas cards addressed and off to people. I sure hope so. Computers are supposed to save us time, money and energy but I think since I got my first computer in 1990, I’ve been running short of time, money and never mind my energy. But, enthusiasm is supposed to keep your soul young. So, hopefully that will work for me.
Stay Well.
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