
Monday, September 13, 2010

My Sony Reader

I want to talk about my Sony e-reader. I take it everywhere because it's convenient for me. I bought it because when you get older books get heavier! I've been stopped in waiting rooms, restaurants and even at my own shop and asked if I like it over "real books". It's like asking me, "Do you like the ice-cream or the cone."  Personally, I like both thank you very much!

 Not only can I carry a plethora of books with me easily but being able to do so allows me to choose what I want to read when I want to read it. I don't have grandchildren but if I did I could also put their photos in it and show off the rug rats with lovely clear photos that haven't collected dust and wrinkles in an overburdened wallet. Eventually the conversation requires that I explain how the reader works and saves me time and energy. Sometimes they ask me how it compares to other readers, and I tell them why I chose it.

It's great for sitting up in bed too because it's so light. So, my aching bones get a reprieve from my hard copy books. I still read hard copy. I'd be a fool not to. Others think I can't take it to the beach. Well the good news is my reader has seen the beach several times and is probably the only item I took with me that didn't come home with sand particles in it's nooks and crannies.

Yes it has to be recharged every now and then (usually every two weeks) but so does my Swiffer. These days it's pretty hard to find things that don't require recharging.

Depending on the model you buy you can take and make notes in the reader and it has a dictionary in case you come across a word that puzzles you. It also makes a great present if you're inclined to treat someone. I've seen a lot of reviews on the pros and cons and the one thing none of them mentioned is that it is a gift for those who have everything else, especially if they're big readers.

This is my first blog. Thank you for reading it.


ElaineEsme said...

Hey Tick! :)
Welcome to the blogging world. Thanks for the info on the reader. I have friends who have ibook and they really like it. I am a stick in the mud and love the feel of pages in my hand but perhaps you have converted me. :)

Here is my blog link so you can see what I've been up to. Having some problems lately but I will pull through. :) I hope to see you in chat soon.
Elaine (hebxii)