
Friday, October 8, 2010

Worry Worry Worry... What a Pain!

Most of us have something that makes us worry. It might be health, or money or family crisis. It might even be all three and many more. The odd thing is, "worry" doesn't help anything. It doesn't even relieve the stress worry causes! But we all do it.
None of us escape it either. So, it must be part of our humanity. We can hopefully divert ourselves from it now and then. I'm sat here drinking a hot coffee (I take coffee and tea black) and thinking about the things I'm worried over. At least I worry BIG!.
My partner is due for an operation to fix an aortic aneurysm. He's worried and so am I. He's never been in a hospital except once this summer when he took a stroke. But prior to that no one in his family had been in a hospital. I find that amazing because I spent a goodly part of my own life in close association with hospitals.
So, later today we should know more about when he gets his operation. Until then, we all worry!